Bending a Knee to a New Era: Presidential Immunocracy


Bending a Knee to a New Era: Presidential Immunocracy

Today, July 4, 2024, we find ourselves not celebrating freedom, but rather bending a knee to a new era in American governance: Presidential Immunocracy. This year's commemoration is shadowed by a profound change that challenges the core of our democracy.

On July 1, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a proclamation that the President of the United States cannot be held accountable for actions conducted while in office. In this system, the President is immune from legal accountability, fundamentally altering the balance of power and principles of accountability and equality that once defined our democracy. This ruling places the President above the law, fundamentally contradicting the principle that no one is above the law, not even the highest office in the land.

Today, instead of celebrating our freedoms, we find ourselves mourning the erosion of our democratic ideals. The founders of this nation fought against tyranny and the concentration of power in the hands of a few. They envisioned a society where leaders are accountable to the people they serve. The recent ruling represents a departure from these foundational principles, suggesting that those in power are beyond reproach.

The Irony of the Fight Against Democracy

It is particularly tragic that those who fought so hard to dismantle our democracy are now subject to the very rule they sought to impose on others. In their ignorance and blind hatred towards those of us who support equality and democratic principles, they have inadvertently doomed themselves and their children to the new rule of a king. The cries for absolute power and disregard for checks and balances have led us to this point, where the highest office in the land stands unaccountable and unchallenged.

As we gather with family and friends, the fireworks that once symbolized our liberty now remind us of what we have lost. Independence Day, once a beacon of hope and freedom, has become a somber reminder of the fragility of democracy.  Today, we bend a knee to our Presidential Immunocracy.
